Our Story

A little bit about me

Hello! I'm Gal, and I'm happy to share my personal journey with you, which ultimately led to the creation of zecosmi.

In the summer of 2020, at the age of 22, I came to the realization that I had been living with an anxiety disorder. Throughout my life, I had experienced anxiety, often mislabeled as "stress" or dismissed as "exaggerated reactions" by those around me. I, too, internalized these beliefs, thinking I was the problem.

Then, one day while browsing Instagram, I stumbled upon a post about anxiety that perfectly described my struggles. It was a moment of clarity. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, took a medical questionnaire, and was diagnosed with severe anxiety. This revelation made me question whether I was the problem or if I had a problem.

Fast forward to March 2022, I arrived in Florida at the age of 24, having just graduated with my bachelor's degree. I was finally going to live with my boyfriend after two years of long-distance. On the surface, everything seemed perfect, but I found myself battling depression and anxiety. It was then that I realized the depth of my anxiety; it wasn't dependent on external circumstances; it was deeply rooted within me.

Determined to regain my zest for life and cultivate inner stability and peace, I put my vacation plans aside. I started asking profound questions, seeking honest answers, exploring my triggers and their underlying causes. I immersed myself in books, podcasts, and meditation, leading to what I now recognize as a spiritual awakening. My worldview transformed as I gained a deeper understanding of life and the universe.

I learned how to take control of my mind rather than letting it control me. I shifted from living in fear to living in alignment with my dreams and hopes. My life underwent a profound transformation, and I rediscovered the joy of approaching life with the curiosity and wonder of a child.

zecosmi was born out of my desire to create resources and tools that would have helped me during these challenging times, making them available to others. Mental health struggles are something many people worldwide face, even without a diagnosed mental illness. My goal is to make mental wellness trendy and accessible. Above all, I aim to simplify the human experience for everyone.

Thank you for embarking on this journey with me, and I hope that zecosmi can provide you with support, inspiration, and a sense of community.

Owner of zecosmi in Mind Creates Reali-tee shirt